Our dog daycare assistants
Our daycare assistants doesn’t just include our human staff, there are also our dog staff that help us run daycare and that all our old and new customers will often see giving us a helping paw
Buster B
Security guard
Buster is our security guard at daycare. buster is 4 year old German shepherd who helps our human staff to do assessments, being very well mannered, he is a great companion for any new dog starting daycare
Daycare diva
Amora is the princess of daycare that helps mum and d ad with all their office work. Amora has also been coming to daycare since being a puppy and loves to follow her mum around daycare giving her a helping paw
Ldaycare assistant
Zeus helped his dad open the doors to daycare back in 2018. Zeus has been to daycare and helped dad for many years with helping dogs ease in to daycare and assessing dogs behaviour. You may see Zeus from time to time but his favourite pass time is being at home having peace and quiet.
Daycare security guard
Along with buster nymeria is our female security guard. She has been coming to daycare since she was a puppy and has grew up assessing dog behaviour and helping dad in daycare.
Azula & Apollo
Daycare pups
Azula & Apollo are the pups of daycare! They are following in mum and dads footsteps (Nymeria & Buster). They are our puppy assessment dogs for any new puppies starting daycare. They absolutely love coming to daycare and seeing all of their friends & family. At 6 months old, they have been around other dogs all their life and early socialisation is key to getting your dogs ready for the outside world.